Par René Mbarga
Propriétaire de la chaîne Telesud basé à Paris, l’homme d’affaires Amougou Belinga est de nouveau sous les feux des projecteurs.
Épinglé dans plusieurs affaires scabreuses de blanchiment des capitaux et de financements occultes, le concerné avait été épinglé dans une enquête au vitriol, publiée par l’hebdomadaire La nouvelle.
Ce qu’il n’a pas goûté, en déposant une plainte contre le patron dudit tabloïd Jacques Blaise Mvié et son journaliste Conrad Atangana. Fort de ses soutiens au sein de l’appareil judiciaire, Amougou Belinga était déjà parvenu il y a quelques années, à faire condamner Georges Gilbert Baongla, un autre acteur de la scène médiatique du Cameroun, à deux ans d’emprisonnement ferme ; sensiblement pour les mêmes faits.
[…] news outlets too, and the media entrepreneur had already taken one to court for defamation (link…). Plus, by 1 December 2022, the date the dossier was printed, Belinga had long been the target of a […]
[…] that information was all over Cameroon already,” says the same colleague. “Many of us knew about this.” He is right. Mr Zogo had circulated […]
[…] that information was all over Cameroon already,” says the same colleague. “Many of us knew about this.” He is right. Mr Zogo had circulated […]
[…] that information was all over Cameroon already,” says the same colleague. “Many of us knew about this.” He is right. Mr Zogo had […]
[…] that information was all over Cameroon already,” says the same colleague. “Many of us knew about this.” He is right. Mr Zogo had circulated […]
[…] from state coffers was even older. It had been made by different information retailers too, and he had already taken one to court for defamation. By 1 December 2022, the date the file was printed, Belinga had lengthy been dealing […]
[…] paid to Belinga from state coffers was even older. It had been made by other news outlets too, and he had already taken one to court for defamation. By 1 December 2022, the date the dossier was printed, Belinga had long been facing a […]
[…] that information was all over Cameroon already,” says the same colleague. “Many of us knew about this.” He is right. Mr Zogo had circulated […]
[…] had been paid to Belinga from state coffers was even older. Other news outlets had also made it, and the media entrepreneur had already taken one to court for defamation. Plus, by 1 December 2022, the date the dossier was printed, Belinga had long been the target of a […]
[…] was even older. It had been made by other news outlets too, and the media entrepreneur had already taken one to court for defamation. Plus, by 1 December 2022, the date the dossier was printed, Belinga had long been the target of a […]